Entrelazar la complejidad: Una revolución educativa hacia el pensamiento complejo


  • Edvin Méndez Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala




education, complex thinking, transformation, educational approach, critical thinking, evolution


OBJECTIVE: Reflect on the interrelationship between education and complex thinking, and investigate how the educational approach can integrate and adapt to the nature of complexity, exploring the implications for improving educational practice. METHOD: it involved carrying out exhaustive documentary research, complemented with reflections based on previous experiences in the educational field, approached from a perspective focused on complexity. RESULTS: point towards the need for a profound transformation in educational practice, where the complexity embedded in the teaching and learning process is recognized and addressed. This transformation not only involves the integration of technology, but also the promotion of a pedagogical approach that encourages critical thinking, creativity and collaboration, thus preparing students to face the challenges and demands of a society in constant change and evolution. From the perspective of complexity, it is recognized that education is a dynamic and multifaceted system, where the interaction between different elements and actors generates a network of interdependent relationships. In this sense, the importance of adopting an educational approach that not only recognizes this complexity, but is also capable of integrating and adapting to it in a flexible and evolutionary manner is emphasized. UNFINISHED REFLECTION: The complexity perspective highlights the important need for a radical transformation in educational practice, where complexity is recognized and valued as an essential factor. Only in this way can students be prepared to successfully face the challenges and demands of a constantly evolving society.

Author Biography

Edvin Méndez, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

She is currently a doctoral student of the Doctorate in Research in Education, she has a Master's degree in University Teaching with an emphasis on Teaching-Learning Strategies, she has a degree in Pedagogy and Educational Administration, she is a Secondary Education Teacher and a Teacher of Intercultural Early Childhood Education, and she also works as a teacher. Preschool level in the Ministry of Education, in addition, he has continued university studies at the Undergraduate and Postgraduate levels. She has received several diplomas from the Latin American Multieducational Institute (Mexico) that accredit her as an Andragogic facilitator, she is a Virtual Tutor and has several diplomas on the Use and Management of Web Tools; promotes inclusion by being the administrator at the departmental level of the Inclusive Education Diploma, endorsed by the Ministry of Education of Guatemala, as it considers that "Whoever dares to teach, should never stop learning." In 2023, she published a publication in Cunori's Scientific Diversity magazine, a topic oriented towards the "Applicability of technological tools by teachers of the CUNORI Pedagogy career", in 2020 she participated as co-author of the article "Learning Theories outstanding of the 21st century.” He also participated in a scientific research diploma course endorsed by RIOJA-UNIR, increasing knowledge about scientific research.


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How to Cite

Méndez, E. (2024). Entrelazar la complejidad: Una revolución educativa hacia el pensamiento complejo. Revista Vida, Una Mirada Compleja, 6(1), 145–153. https://doi.org/10.36314/revistavida.v6i1.53

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