Meditaciones sobre complejidad y sistemas complejos


  • Edvin Méndez Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala



complexity, complex systems, knowledge, variables


OBJECTIVE: Meditate on the complexity and complex systems in the social, economic, political and cultural dynamics that form a society. METHOD: Documentary research based on three fundamental works: Complexity and Complex Systems by Tarride, The seven knowledge necessary for the education of the future by Morin and The eighth knowledge by Morin and Domínguez Gómez. The interpretation of these texts was carried out using the hermeneutic approach. RESULTS: As we attempt to understand and model complex systems, we often introduce new variables and relationships that increase the complexity of the understanding. This phenomenon is known as the complexity paradox, where the attempt to simplify and understand the system adds new layers of complexity. UNFINISHED REFLECTION: In a complex system, each component has a function or contributes in some way to the behavior of the system as a whole. Even elements that may seem insignificant can have a significant impact due to non-linear interactions.

Author Biography

Edvin Méndez, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Student of the Doctorate in Education in Research at the Eastern University Center CUNORI-USAC, Master in Leadership in Educational Support EFPEM, Master in University Teaching CUNOC, Bachelor in Pedagogy and Educational Sciences CUSAM, Professor in Pedagogy and Educational Sciences CUSAM.


Morin, E. (1999). Los siete saberes necesarios para la educación del futuro. Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura.

Morin, E. y Domínguez Gómez, E. (2018). El octavo saber: diálogo con Edgar Morin. Delgado C. (Ed.). Multiversidad Mundo Real Edgar Morin, A.C.

Tarride, M. (1995). Complejidad y Sistemas Complejos. Historia, Ciencias Saúde Manguinbos, 2(1), 46-66.



How to Cite

Méndez, E. (2024). Meditaciones sobre complejidad y sistemas complejos. Revista Vida, Una Mirada Compleja, 6(1), 187–194.

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