Complex systems and the eight knowledge of the education of the future, to understand life


  • Edvin Méndez Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala



complexity, complex systems, knowledge, interdisciplinarity


PROBLEM: In the contemporary era, the solution of social problems is still visualized under individualistic approaches, but reality must be seen as a network or specialized fabric where interrelated elements interact and define the dynamics of phenomena. The complexity approach allows understanding the role played by each element in a system. Complexity dates back several years, but its knowledge and application have not been widely spread, so it is essential to promote sociocultural analysis under complexity schemes. OBJECTIVE: To provide theoretical and conceptual elements to understand the importance of complexity in the analysis of social dynamics and problems. METHOD: Theoretical information of authors on the complexity of systems was reviewed, basically conceptualizations and elements that form the interrelated structure of the social fabric. RESULTS: Tarride indicates that the complexity of things does not mean complication or difficulty in understanding something, although Morin states that complexity has confusion and uncertainty as precursors, complexity should be visualized as the integration of several interacting elements. Soler considers taking into account the intervention of different disciplines, since they all contribute valuable information to understand and interpret reality. UNFINISHED REFLECTION:  Complexity implies the interrelation of different elements that define the dynamics of social phenomena, it also entails multi- and interdisciplinary intervention as specialized contributions without the predominance of any one science.

Author Biography

Edvin Méndez, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

He is a Master in Research M.Sc. graduated from the Faculty of Humanities and Agricultural Engineer in Agricultural Production Systems, graduated from the Faculty of Agronomy, both from the University of San Carlos de Guatemala –USAC-. He taught for five years in private universities in the country and for more than 10 years as a teacher and researcher at the El Progreso University Center of the University of San Carlos in Guatemala. I currently hold the position of Coordinator of the Research Institute of the University Center of El Progreso. Researcher with RUI number 1354 of the General Directorate of Research DIGI-USAC.


Morin, E. (1993). El método. Madrid: Editorial Cátedra.

Morin, E., Gómez, E. D. & Díaz, C. D. (2018). El octavo saber: diálogo con Edgar Morin. Ciudad de México: Multiversidad Mundo Real Edgar Morin.

Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura –UNESCO-. (1999) Los siete saberes necesarios para el futuro. Edgar Morín. UNESCO Paris Francia.

Soler, Y. (2017). Teorías sobre los sistemas complejos. Administración & Desarrollo, 47(2), 52-69. file:///C:/Users/Usuario/Downloads/Dialnet-TeoriasSobreLosSistemasComplejos-6403420.pdf DOI:

Tarride, M. (1,995). Complejidad y sistemas complejos. Historia, Ciencia, Saude (Vol. II) Manguihos Vol. II (1): 46-66 DOI:



How to Cite

Méndez, E. (2023). Complex systems and the eight knowledge of the education of the future, to understand life. Revista Vida, Una Mirada Compleja, 5(1), 13–20.

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