Cultura compleja para ligar una transdisciplina ambiental


  • Edvin Méndez Escuela Militar de Ingeniería, Cochabamba, Bolivia
  • Claudia Esmeralda Villela Cervantes Escuela Militar de Ingeniería, Cochabamba Bolivia



complexity, consciousness, culture, education, religating


PROBLEM: The global environmental crisis requires a more holistic and complex approach that overcomes the limitations of traditional disciplines. This article addresses the problem of knowledge fragmentation and the need to integrate diverse perspectives to address contemporary environmental challenges. OBJECTIVE: to disseminate a complex culture to lead to practical conditions to improve the living system in a favorable and healthy environment. METHOD: it is a theoretical and conceptual analysis, based on the review of literature, interdisciplinary approaches are explored and a collaboration structure is proposed that encourages interaction and dialogue between different areas of knowledge. RESULTS: indicate that a complex culture, understood as a system of interconnected knowledge, allows a complete and dynamic vision of environmental problems. Furthermore, the importance of the active participation of different social actors in the construction process of this transdisciplinary framework is highlighted. UNFINISHED REFLECTIONS: It is suggested that the adoption of a complex culture and environmental transdiscipline are essential to effectively address environmental problems. The integration of knowledge and collaboration between disciplines can generate innovative and sustainable solutions, contributing to better management and conservation of the environment.

Author Biographies

Edvin Méndez, Escuela Militar de Ingeniería, Cochabamba, Bolivia

He was trained at the Military School of Engineering” Mcal. A. José de Sucre” (EMI-BOLIVIA), with Environmental Diplomas, Skills and Higher Education, Masters in Environmental Management Systems and Natural Resources - Security, Defense and Development of the State. Currently in the process of preparing his Doctoral Thesis at the EMI, in the “Education with a Focus on Complexity and Transdisciplinary Research” program; teacher and researcher in undergraduate and graduate degrees at the same EMI. Likewise, he held academic positions at the EMI as Head of Career of Agronomic, Environmental, Civil and Industrial Engineering; Director of Undergraduate and Postgraduate Studies at the EMI Cbba. and Dean of the EMI at the National level. Research lines: Critical Thinking, Education, Health, Bioethics, Quality Management and Development of the Defense Industry.

Claudia Esmeralda Villela Cervantes, Escuela Militar de Ingeniería, Cochabamba Bolivia

Postdoctoral researcher in Education and Complexity Research, graduated from the Military School of Engineering in Cochabamba, Bolivia. Doctor in Education, Master in Human Resources Administration, Systems Engineer and Computer Science. She is currently Editor of Indexed Magazines and professor in Doctorates and Postdoctorates at the University of San Carlos of Guatemala. International teacher in the Doctorate of Education and Complexity in Cochabamba, Bolivia. Researcher at the General Directorate of Research -DIGI of the University of San Carlos of Guatemala. He has been a speaker at national and international conferences on topics of Higher Education, Educational Quality, Virtual Education, Intercultural Education, Technology, Business Sciences, Emerging Sciences, Complexity Sciences and Complex Thinking.


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How to Cite

Méndez, E., & Villela Cervantes, C. E. (2024). Cultura compleja para ligar una transdisciplina ambiental . Revista Vida, Una Mirada Compleja, 6(1), 203–213.

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