Explorando las sinergias: el arte del pensamiento complejo y los saberes de la educación


  • Edvin Méndez Centro Universitario de Oriente -CUNORI-




complex education, educational knowledge, transdisciplinary, globalization


OBJECTIVE: Reflect on the synergy of complex thinking and knowledge in education through exploration for continuous improvement. METHOD: the methodology used was documentary research, complemented with reflections through experiences in the educational sector, focused on complex and transdisciplinary thinking. RESULTS: the value of not imposing dogmas and authoritarianism in classrooms is synthesized; educational institutions and universities must become spaces for debate and reflection where established ideas can be discussed and analyzed in a well-founded manner. Thus, argumentation, creativity in thinking and experimentation must be the pillars of this educational process, allowing students to take ownership of knowledge in a critical, reflective manner, and in this way interconnect with everything around them. UNFINISHED REFLECTION: in the educational world, it is crucial that students are not satisfied with accepting knowledge without questioning it and that schools, universities in both the public and private sectors have the freedom, both academic and administrative, to transform these practices towards a more open and transdisciplinary direction.

Author Biography

Edvin Méndez, Centro Universitario de Oriente -CUNORI-

Doctoral candidate in Education Research to date (2024) at the University of San Carlos de Guatemala, Master's Degree in University Teaching with Orientation in Learning Strategies from the University of San Carlos de Guatemala (2023), Graduate in Business Administration from the University of San Carlos de Guatemala (2018). His lines of research obey Learning Strategies and their relationship with the academic performance of international relations students (2023); connectivist learning, outstanding of the 21st century (2021) and virtual Education in times of Covid-19 (2020). He has several publications in high-impact indexed journals.


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How to Cite

Méndez, E. (2024). Explorando las sinergias: el arte del pensamiento complejo y los saberes de la educación. Revista Vida, Una Mirada Compleja, 6(1), 155–162. https://doi.org/10.36314/revistavida.v6i1.54

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