The complexity for the preeminence of civic education roots: environmental education model


  • Edvin Méndez Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala
  • Claudia Esmeralda Villela Cervantes Escuela Militar de Ingeniería, Cochabamba Bolivia



complex paradigm, civic education, environmental education, human ecology, environmental policy


OBJECTIVE: Reflect on complexity as a scientific paradigm to prioritize civic education as a basis for environmental education. METHOD: The study used the explanatory method to investigate the evolution of environmental education in Guatemala and the Latin American region, as well as the descriptive method to understand environmental concepts, the documentary technique based on the literature review of complexity was also used. RESULTS: In Guatemala, environmental education programs have been implemented since the 1980s, but the results have been insufficient to stop environmental damage. The need for a more comprehensive education that links civic education is raised, the importance of considering the environment as a system of relationships and the need to sensitize people about their natural environment is highlighted, the lack of coherence in the practice of environmental education applied in Latin America, pointing out that in Guatemala it has been determined by political decisions. Although progress has been made since the 1940s, challenges are evident in environmental education in the region. UNFINISHED REFLECTION: There is a need to adopt good practices from the complexity paradigm with the ecopedagogical methodology; an education that transforms the person for civic responsibility, understood as having dignity for respect for nature and environmental awareness.

Author Biographies

Edvin Méndez, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

He is currently studying the Doctorate in Research in Education at the CUNORI University Center of the East of the University of San Carlos of Guatemala, graduated in the Master's Degree in Community Management for Local Human Development, at the South West University Center CUNSUROC-USAC, as well He graduated with a Master's degree in Environmental Sciences for the Management of Protected Areas, from the University of Minnesota, Minnesota, USA. He is an Engineer in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences from the Rafael Landívar University of Guatemala. He studied the Diploma in Risk Management at the Catholic University of Chile, Chile. The Diploma on ISO Standards and their practical usefulness, at the University of San Carlos de Guatemala. The Diploma in Technical Writing for Teachers, at the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Postgraduate Course in Agroforestry, at the Tropical Agricultural Research and Teaching Center -CATIE-

Claudia Esmeralda Villela Cervantes, Escuela Militar de Ingeniería, Cochabamba Bolivia

Postdoctoral degree in Education, Research and Complexity graduated from the Military Engineering School of Cochabamba, Bolivia. Active researcher in the Central American Higher University Council CSUCA and in the General Directorate of Research DIGI USAC.


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How to Cite

Méndez, E., & Villela Cervantes, C. E. (2024). The complexity for the preeminence of civic education roots: environmental education model . Revista Vida, Una Mirada Compleja, 6(1), 59–76.

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