La educación integral en salud del paciente con enfermedades crónicas


  • Edvin Méndez Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala



health, chronic diseases, suffering, primary health car, public health


OBJECTIVE: Describe the importance of comprehensive medical education for chronic diseases. METHOD: Theoretical information from authors on comprehensive health and the complexity of the health system was reviewed, important definition about health care, epidemiology begins to be highlighted, chronic diseases, complexity, comprehensive education and how the interrelate between doctor and patient. RESULTS: Complex systems have several components that interact, exchange information and adapt to carry out interaction. There is a field of complexity that encompasses a variety of approaches to reality, it must be linked to various approaches from the physical, medical and social sciences and including medicine. In medical practice, a variety of challenges arise that can be addressed from the complexity model patient education represents a challenge for the health system, the community and the individual. CONCLUSION: Edgar Morin proposes new structural changes, changes in the education of health personnel and patients, seeking new alternatives and delving deeper into health problems, because chronic diseases leave serious consequences such as disability and death. In medicine there are many challenges because it is deeply rooted in the traditional system that has been established, a relationship where only doctor-patient exists without evaluating the patient’s environment. A multidisciplinary approach is necessary in the promotion and prevention of diseases.

Author Biography

Edvin Méndez, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

She is an outstanding pediatrician with a solid academic background. His dedication to health, sports and volunteers has managed to reach the most remote communities. She is currently a doctoral student in research in education at the Centro Universitario de Oriente, at the University of San Carlos of Guatemala, a Pediatrician graduated from the Mariano Gálvez University; Medical Surgeon graduated from the Rafael Landívar University; with the writing of a systematic review of Literature on Microalbuminuria as a marker of kidney damage in patients with a diagnosis of type 1 diabetes mellitus in patients from 1 to 17 years old and Characterization of patients diagnosed with diabetic foot at the Hospital de Cobán A. V 2009 - 2013.


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How to Cite

Méndez, E. (2024). La educación integral en salud del paciente con enfermedades crónicas. Revista Vida, Una Mirada Compleja, 6(1), 115–127.